Biblical Stewardship refers to the fact that God is the owner of all that we are and have and that we are simply managers of God’s property. Our duty is to care for each other and everything else that God has entrusted to us. So, stewardship is about the caring and responsible use of many things, but there is a unique emphasis in the Bible about the stewardship of finances. The management of money is one of the most frequent themes in Scripture. The way we steward money is a chief indicator of what and who is most important to us.
Since the time of Abraham the tithe has been offered as a fundamental act of worship. When we tithe we acknowledge God as the owner of everything else in our lives. (Genesis 14:17–22) … “The purpose of tithing is to teach you to always put God first in your lives.” Deuteronomy 14:23 (TLB) The practice of tithing was so central to life with God in the Old Testament that it was just assumed to be a part of life with God for followers of Jesus. Jesus taught that “you should tithe” (Matthew 23:23) while remembering other parts of our faith that are important but often neglected.
One of the most consistent aspects of the treatment of tithing in Scripture is that it is associated with blessing. God essentially says that if we acknowledge Him as Lord and owner of everything by returning the tithe, that He will supernaturally bless us. 9 “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; 10 then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.” Proverbs 3:9–10 (NIV)
Of course the other part of this is that our tithe is a blessing to others. God chose that it was primarily through the tithe that His physical work on earth would be financed. It’s because of the tithe that there is “food in (God’s) House”. (Malachi 3:10) In this way our money is converted into spiritual blessings for others. It’s through the tithe that local churches are able to fund ministry efforts that help bring people into a relationship with God that changes their eternal destiny. It is certainly true that it is only through the tithe given by the people at TLCC that we are able to inspire people to the life God dreams for them as we spread His love in ever-widening circles. When you tithe you are blessed and you are a blessing to others.

From our pastor
Watch a message from our Lead Pastor, Terry A. Smith called "Searching For Meaning: The Financial Beatitudes."
FPU/ DAVE Ramsey +
This resources gives you online access to several Biblically based courses like: Financial Peace University, Budgeting That Actually Works, Smart Money Smart Kids, Know Yourself, Know Your Money, and Legacy Journey. Additional content includes videos, audiobooks, budgeting apps and live stream events.

The generosity Ladder
The Generosity Ladder is the quintessential guidebook for anyone who desires to handle money with excellence. Written as an answer to all of the questions and misunderstandings that surround the intersection of God and money, The Generosity Ladder clarifies, once and for all, what the Bible really says about honoring God with our finances and details a step-by-step plan for attaining financial excellence. We would love the opportunity to offer you a complimentary copy of The Generosity Ladder by Nelson Searcy. Just click the button below to fill out some very simple information. Our team will be in contact with you soon!
giving at TLCC
Learn about all the ways you can give to the mission of The Life Christian Church.