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Blue Water


the next step for anyone who believes and follows jesus 


Young woman getting baptized


Baptism is a way to go public with your faith to show others that you have started a personal relationship with Jesus. We follow Jesus' command and example when we get baptized, which symbolizes your old life dying (going under the water) and your new life beginning (coming out of the water). We look forward to celebrating this powerful moment together as a church family!

Q&A with pastors Ryan & Alex

8 minute watch time or explore our FAQs below.

Still have more questions?

  • What type of church is TLCC?
    TLCC is a non-denominational Christian church. We are blessed to serve people of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities! Click here to learn more about who we are.
  • Parking
    You are invited to park in our lot on location at 747 Northfield Ave, West Orange.
  • Location & Service Times
    Our West Orange Campus is located at 747 Northfield Ave, West Orange NJ 07052. Service times are at 9 and 11am ET in person and 10am online.
  • Is there something for my child(ren)?
    TLCC has a safe and robust children's ministry called KPort Kids for toddlers - 6th grade on our lower level. For infants we have a Nursery on the main floor near our worship auditorium.
  • Is there a dress code?
    Whatever you are most comfortable in. There is no dress code – you might see folks wearing their “Sunday best” or a casual shirt and jeans. The most important part about Sunday morning is showing up!
  • Can I watch online?
    Yes — If you are unable to join us in person because of health concerns or geographic reasons, you’re invited to join us at our Online Campus at 10 AM EST! The online service will have the same Sunday message as our West Orange Campus, but worship and other elements are curated specifically for an online viewer and won't be exactly the same experience. Watch live on Sundays at 10am ET or past message and services on-demand by visiting clicking watch in our menu.
  • What Programs Do You Offer For Youth/Students?
    Redline  is a weekly gathering of students (7th -12th grade) that meet weekly at our West Orange Campus. At Redline, students can find freedom to hang out with friends, connect with God, and grow as leaders.
  • How do I connect with community?
    LIFE Groups are the way we gather during the week to connect in meaningful ways in a smaller group environment. We eat together, pray for one another, and share life together. It is in these ordinary rhythms of life that we grow in our faith together. LIFE stands for Life in a Family Environment. These groups meet both online and in person and are centered on either learning, activities or the Sunday teaching.
  • Can my child(ren) sit with me in service?
    Yes! Families are more than welcome to sit in service together should you choose not to have your child(ren) participate with Kport Kids or the Nursery. We do have a more convenient family section should you need to get up during the service, which is located in the back right ground section of the auditorium if you're facing the stage.
  • How can I get more involved?
    Discover all the meaningful ways you can care for others, develop new skills or use your gifts by serving on a LIFE Team. LIFE Teams are our volunteer teams at TLCC. There are many opportunities for you to serve on Sundays and throughout the week.
  • What type of outreach is TLCC involved with?
    We are firm believers that our campuses are just launching pads for God’s goodness! Our church leads community service efforts and global missions work through +Life Missions. We are privileged to serve others and believe in sharing God’s love with everyone who walks into our church and into our communities!
  • Is your location accessible?
    Yes. Our building has full accessibility. Our Welcome Lobby and Worship Auditorium are located on the main level of the building. We also have an elevator located in the lobby directly to your left as you enter the front doors.
  • What is an Online Campus?
    Unlike live-streamed services, which typically focus on streaming what's happening in the room of an in-person location, the Online Campus is a uniquely curated fully digitally remote campus with opportunities for people to serve on teams remotely, join in digital community groups, and gather together each Sunday at 10am ET with a live chat. To learn more about the Online Campus visit
  • Is the service a live-stream of the West Orange Campus service?
    Yes and no. The message is the same as our West Orange Campus message, but we work hard to make sure that our Online Campus is a curated service specifically for our online viewers. That means we have different hosts, announcements, serve opportunities, service times and different songs each week. To watch live on Sundays at 10am ET or on-demand on our YouTube channel, visit
  • What are your Online Campus service times?
    We gather each Sunday online at 10am ET.
  • Is there something for my kids online?
    Yes, our Kport ministry provides unique age appropriate online curriculum each week that includes a lesson video, a downloadable lesson activity and conversation guides.
  • How can I connect to online community?
    We have a plethora of online Life Groups that meet weekly during Eastern Standard times in the US. We also have in-person local communities, called Houses, that gather together each month.
  • How can I serve remotely?
    There are several remote teams that serve the Online Campus. To learn more about our teams visit
  • What do I do upon arrival?
    Upon arrival, look for KPort Check-In on the lower level, and one of our friendly volunteers will help get your child checked in. We’ll be there every step of the way (right up to your child’s room), so feel free to ask us any questions you have! All KPort volunteers wear a blue KPort shirt, so they’re easily identifiable.
  • How do I enroll my child(ren)?
    After entering through our main entrance, go down to level 0 by either taking the elevator on your left or stairs on your right. You will see our Kport main entrance and sign and our volunteers will help you with your next steps in registration. You and your child(ren) will be given matching identification tags that are exclusive to your family and your visit. After the service, you will return to the designated pick-up area and show your matching tag to a volunteer in order for your child to be released back to you.
  • What are your safety procedures?
    Safety is one of our highest priorities. That’s why you’ll receive a unique parent security code each time you check in. Additionally, every volunteer is screened, background-checked and regularly trained on our safety procedures and on caring for your child(ren). You may also notice that our hallways are monitored by security during each service. In the event that we need to contact you during the service, we will send you a text message to the number you provided at registration.
  • Do you have a wellness policy?
    We kindly ask that children who have shown signs of fever, vomiting, or other contagious illnesses should be symptom, and fever-free for 24 hours before coming/returning to KPort.
  • How can I get involved?
    KPort Kids can only happen each week because of the passionate and gifted volunteers who aim to serve TLCC children and parents in meaningful ways. We are always looking to grow our team and will provide you with everything you need to take your next steps in getting involved with KPort. Click here to be considered to serve on our Kport team!
  • What curriculum do you use?
  • How do I register my 7-12th grader(s)?
    Simply bring your child(ren) to one of our scheduled Wednesday nights and our Welcome Crew will assist your child in filling out a “New here” card. That’s it!
  • How do I get involved as an adult leader?
    If you'd like to be considered as adult leader, simply fill out our interest form and one of our team members will follow up with you.
  • How can I learn more about what it means to be a follower of Jesus?
    If you're new to following Jesus or have been following him for quite some time, but would like to know more about what it means to orient your life around following Jesus, watch this short message we aired on New Year's Eve of 2023 and take advantage of the following resources and next steps: Rule of Life Guide Practicing The Way of Jesus
  • How can I grow in my faith with God as a follower of Jesus?
    If you are looking for resources to assist with your spiritual growth, we encourage you to explore and engage with TLCC's Spiritual Growth Plan ,which is carefully curated each Trimester by our Pastoral team in line with our Trimester's Spiritual Growth Theme. This Trimester 1 of 2024 we are focusing on a theme of Flourishing. Watch the first message our our new series: Thrive, Flourish in Faith & Life
  • What does it look like for me to be engaged with TLCC as my local church?
    All of us are on different places on our journey to embody the life God dreams for us as followers of Jesus - and sometimes knowing how to go after this mission can be and feel complicated. To help you on this journey, we've created a tool called The Pathway. The Pathway is a frame to help you see yourself in the big picture of our church community and then to take deeper steps in both your relationship with Jesus and with others. Each piece of the The Pathway (GPS - Grow in your Life with God, Participate in Life Together, Spread God's Love) is an element within the life of our church designed to empower us to live the life God dreams for us as we spread His love in ever-widening circles, and ultimately to do all of this not alone, but as a part of God’s family here, together in West Orange and online. With that said, The Pathway is not exactly linear - and there’s no one size fits all approach when it comes to following Jesus - The Pathway is simply a way of finding yourself within this local church (The Life Christian Church). This is an invitation to move deeper into our family - in your pace, in a way that matches your journey and in a way that fits within your limits. Explore The Pathway by visiting
  • Why should I be baptized?
    Here are five reasons we celebrate baptism: 1. Jesus was baptized, and in response to His life, death, resurrection – and before His ascension – He commanded His followers to be baptize and to baptize those who would believe in Him. • Mark 16:14-16 2. The eyewitnesses to the gospel responded to the gospel by being baptized. • Acts 2:36-38, 8:12, 8:35-39, 9:17 • Acts 10:46-48, 16:10-33, 22:14-16 3. Baptism is a public confession of our faith in Jesus. • Matthew 10:32 4. The power of God is present with us and in us when we are baptized with faith in our hearts. • Colossians 2:11-12 5. Baptism is where we become “I-Witnesses” to the resurrected Jesus. • Romans 6:1-5 Watch Lead Pastor Terry A. Smith's brief 20 minute sermon on these five reasons:
  • What is baptism?
    Jesus was baptized. Since then, millions of His followers have followed His example. Baptism is a way for you to do the same and participate in a common experience with followers of Jesus around the world. Baptism is a way to go public with your faith to show others that you have started a personal relationship with Jesus. Baptism is not necessary for salvation. It symbolizes the new life you began when you started following Jesus. It symbolizes your old life dying (going under the water) and your new life (coming out of the water).
  • When is the best time to be baptized?
    For everyone who decides to follow Jesus, baptism is the next step. Anyone who commits his or her life to following Jesus is ready to be baptized (Acts 8:12).
  • I was baptized as a baby; should I be baptized again?
    Maybe you’ve been following Jesus for years or you were baptized or sprinkled as an infant, but you’ve never been baptized by immersion. We invite you to take that next step! Baptisms in the Bible were by immersion, and Jesus was baptized by being immersed in the water and rising out of it (Matthew 3:16, Mark 1:10). Being submersed in the water represents our death to sin and old way of life, and being raised out of the water is a picture of how Jesus gave us a fresh start in life (Romans 6:3-5)!
  • Does baptism pardon me from my sins?
    No—trusting Jesus forgives your sins. Your baptism is a public declaration of your decision to trust Jesus.
  • Do you baptize children?
    We want children at TLCC to express their own decision to follow Jesus and to truly understand the meaning of baptism. As parents, we can help point our children to Jesus, but they are the ones to decide if they will commit their lives to Him. This will ensure your child is ready for this exciting and important step in their spiritual journey! “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9
  • What do I need to do in order to be baptized at TLCC?
    Sign up online, and a Staff Team Member will in contact with you shortly.
  • What if I decide last minute that I want to be baptized but didn't register?
    We want to accommodate everyone as best as we can, and therefore we still baptize those who decide on the day or during service that they want to take this next step. We usually have someone in the room designated to help guide you and will indicate who this person is on Baptism Sunday. We also provide you with everything you might need, (restroom changing area, a t-shirt and long shorts in various sizes to change into, toiletries, towel etc.)
  • What is "Servants Heart?"
    Servant's Heart is a ministry located in Paterson, NJ that helps non for profits and churches rebuild/renovate after fires or natural disasters. They utilize a team of expert carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and etc, to address major issues while the team of volunteers (this is where you come in) helps with painting, tiling, drywall, demo, clean up, and other tasks.
  • How do I serve with Servant's Heart?
    There is a google form in our website under Missions-->+Life Local opportunities-->Servant's heart sign up form, or click here.
  • When and where do these projects occur?
    For the time being, we volunteer with a Servant's Heart location on the last Saturday of the month. The locations vary but usually they are in Paterson. We will send out information on the location the Thursday before the serving date.
  • How do I serve in other +Life Missions Projects?
    To serve in other +Life capacities, please reach out to with your name and number and express your interest to serve.
  • After I submit my online request, when will the Event Coordinator contact me?
    Please allow at least 2 business days for the Event Coordinator to contact you.
  • How far in advance should someone book an event at TLCC?
    With as much notice as possible, but must be at least one month before the event.
  • Are there restricted days/times to host an event at TLCC?
    Yes.TLCC is unable to host events on Sundays and Mondays.Certain spaces may be available within certain time frames only and availability is not guaranteed unless a contract is issued for that time by the event coordinator.
  • Can we serve alcoholic beverages at my event at TLCC?
    No.Please be aware that smoking and alcoholic beverages are not permitted anywhere on the church property.
  • Is it possible to host our event on any given holiday?
    It is up to the discretion of the Event Coordinator and TLCC event staff to consider a minor holiday event date. However, we do not offer private event services between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day or in the week leading up to and including Easter.
  • Are there specifications regarding decorations for the event?
    Yes. Details can be discussed with Event Coordinator.
  • Where can I learn more about upcoming events at TLCC?
    Visit to check out our church calendar and social media feed and stay updated on all things happening through and at TLCC.
  • Where is Bible Flight Camp?
    BFC is being hosted at the safe and secure site of The Life Christian Church in West Orange NJ. To learn more about the campus click the button below.
  • Can I get a discount for registering more than one child?
    Yes. Registration is $50 per child, and $45 per child if you're registering 2 or more children.
  • Is there a deadline for registering?
    Yes. August 1st is the deadline, and the fee is nonrefundable after this date.
  • What age group is allowed to attend?
    Kids ages 3 up to those who are entering into the 5th grade are eligible to attend Bible Flight Camp.
  • What age group is allowed to attend?
    Kids ages 3 up to those who are entering into the 5th grade are eligible to attend Bible Flight Camp.
  • Where do I register?
    You can register by clicking the link below.
  • What is this years theme?
    This year's theme is: Scuba! Diving into friendship with God.
  • Can I volunteer at Bible Flight Camp?
    If you're interested in volunteering fill out our interest form below. We'd love to consider for joining our team!
  • When & what time is Bible Flight Camp?
    Monday, August 5th - Friday, August 9th from 9am - 1pm.
  • If I have more questions who do I contact?
    Stephanie Landrud, Children Ministry Director: slandrud@tlccorg
  • What are the requirements to be an intern at TLCC?
    You need to be a committed Christian and at least 18 years old. There are also auditions required for the Worship Team.
  • What is the commitment level?
    180 hours. There is great flexibility on when those hours happen. But we do ask for a fairly consistent weekly schedule to help your coach lead you well. Also the 180 hours are the minimum. If you want to go over and above that we won’t say no 🙂.
  • How do I get started?
    Fill out the application form and a coach will be in touch with you shortly.
  • How do I know if I am accepted into the internship?
    Once you apply for the internship, you will receive an email to set up an interview with a coach.
  • What do I get out of this internship?
    The internship program at TLCC is designed to help you gain valuable ministry experience and knowledge. To help you connect with others in ministry, help you find and refine your calling and spread God’s love in ever widening circles.
  • When is the internship offered?
    The main push is during the summer. But if you are interested during a different season let us know and we’ll see what we can do.
  • When does the internship start?
    There is flexibility with the start date. If you are selected, a start date that works for the intern and coach will be jointly chosen.
  • Is there an application deadline?
    No. But there are limited internships available. So the sooner the better.
  • Will I be on my own?
    No. Each intern is matched with a coach. This coach is a TLCC staff member who is specifically devoted to pouring wisdom into your life and building you up throughout the entire internship.
  • Can I gain school credit?
    Yes. But it is up to you to reach out to the necessary professors and advisors for the required paperwork. Once you have that, send it along to your coach and they will fill it out upon the completion of the internship.
  • I am not a student. Can I still apply?
  • Can I still work if I participate in the internship?
    Yes, but you will need to plan your work hours around your internship hours. We recommend no more than part-time hours.
  • Does TLCC guarantee a job after completion of the internship?
    We do not offer a job placement as such. With that said, coaches are committed to assisting interns in their job search by making connections and providing a reference letter.
  • What should I bring?
    A phone, a device (laptop or tablet) to work on and reliable transportation.
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