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LIFE stands for Life in a Family Environment. LIFE Groups are the way we gather during the week to eat together, play together, pray for one another, and share life together. These small communities are formed with 10-15 people loving and supporting each other in practical ways.  As we live and work in proximity to each other, we are able to partner in the mission to live the life God dreams for us as we spread His

love in ever-widening circles. 

beginning in March, during our series The Lord Give You Peace, we’re launching Book Clubs with a 28-day devotional! Engage the book daily, then gather weekly to connect, share, and grow in community. Don’t miss this opportunity to pursue peace and meaningful relationships—join a Book Club and journey together!

This Trimester


*Book clubs begin in March

Celebrate Recovery

If you are looking for a safe community to find freedom from hurts, hang-ups, or habits that interfere with or control our lives we invite you to explore Celebrate Recovery. 

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