live in community
Houses are the way we gather during the week to eat together, play together, pray for one another, and share life together. These small communities are formed with 10-15 people loving and supporting each other in practical ways. It is in these ordinary rhythms of life that we become more like Jesus. Each TLCC House is neighborhood-based. As we live and work in proximity to each other, we are able to partner in the mission to live the life God dreams for us as we spread His love in ever-widening circles. Each House is intimately connected to a broader movement of what God is doing through support, coaching, and resources from The Life Christian Church.
Our Online Campus Pastors aim to resource House Hosts so they don’t have to worry about logistics or content. Instead, they can focus on relationship
and community building. If you have a group of 3-5 friends in your local neighborhood wanting to form a House, that, and a willing heart, is all you need to begin.