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When we give our first back to God, He promises to bless the rest. We want to make it easy for everyone to accept this challenge by eliminating any risk involved. If anyone doesn’t feel that God has blessed them after 90 days of tithing (giving 10% of their income) to TLCC, we will refund 100% of their tithe. No questions asked.

Hear Chris' Story:

When you sign up, we'll walk alongside you with encouragement and resources.

We would love to hear how God is working in your life. As you take this next step of faith, don't forget to share your story as an encouragement to others.


Frequently Asked




What is a tithe?

What is The 90 day tithe challenge?

A tithe is the Biblical concept of giving away 10% of your income, an idea that was instituted thousands of years ago as a way to thank and worship God (Deuteronomy 14:22). In ancient times the tithe was a portion of crops and herds, but the principle still holds true today. Everything you have comes from God, and returning at least 10% of it to continue God’s work in the world is an act of acknowledging where it came from, what it is for, and remembering who owns it.

The Tithe Challenge is a way for us to recognize God’s promise to honor and take care of His people. In Malachi 3:10, God is in essence asking, “Don’t you think I will completely bless you and take care of you if you live on 90% of what I gave you?” By living sacrificially with your giving, you are investing in spreading the message of Jesus to the whole world. And here’s our commitment to you: If you tithe for three months and don’t see God’s blessings in your life, we will refund 100% of your tithe.


How exactly does the money-back guarantee work?

Contact the TLCC's finance office within the 90 days, and we’ll refund your tithe—no questions asked.


When can I start the tithing challenge?

You may start the 90-day Tithe Challenge at any time! Just be sure to let us know you’re in by filling out the online form here.


How do I start tithing today?

Calculate 10% of your income. (Calculate 10% of your income and incrementally give that towards The Life Christian Church each paycheck.)


Set-up a recurring gift through our website. This is the easiest and fastest way to ensure you’re keeping up with the challenge.


You can also give by writing a check and dropping it in the Connections Drop Box at the West Orange Campus.


Cash giving is also welcomed, however you must put your cash in a giving envelope with your name and contact information in order for us to know that it’s from you. 


Any way you decide to give, we’ll record your gift and send you a contribution statement at year-end for charitable deduction purposes.

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